AeroseedTM U.S. Patent Pending technology


Dramatically reduces the cost of afforestation and reforestry.



Decades of inadequate forest management have resulted in millions of acres of forest throughout the world that have been cut without replanting.  Many examples of the continuing deforestation across six continents are available.


Finally, an economical solution is available that makes reforesting these millions of acres (and more) possible.


Aeroseed™ is an aerodynamic coating on seeds enabling dissemination from the air to achieve optimal penetration depths and seed orientations* to optimize germination and sprout survival rates. Nutrient supplements include proprietary concentrations of Boron (B), Calcium (Ca), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Nitrogen (N), Potassium (via K2O), and Zinc (Zn) to maximize growth following germination. A natural fungicide and optional anti-pest supplements may be included to further improve germination and sprout mortality rates.  One Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can implant many thousands of seeds per hour, reaching even inaccessible areas without roads or trails. This technology is also adaptable to nearly any species.


* Seed orientation of Pinus species, for instance, has a pronounced effect on germination success and sprout mortality rates.



Utilizing this technology, one thousand (1,000) trees can be planted with nutrient & fungicide supplementation for under $8 (Pinus ponderosa in Oregon, USA 2017).



Aeroseed™ Benefits:

  • Provides an economical means of replanting large areas, enabling more reforestation;
  • Automates replanting, reducing manual labor;
  • Airborne dissemination does not require new roads or trails, reaching otherwise inaccessible locations;
  • Rapid replanting can help prevent or reduce soil erosion and water quality disruption;
  • Reforesting returns surface water temperatures to normal, improving forestry drainage water quality;
  • Species habitat can be returned to normal more rapidly;
  • Sequestration of carbon from the atmosphere is achieved naturally through reforesting.



AeroseedTM germination tests are underway in several temperate zones with fifteen different species of trees including five unique genus (i.e., Abies, Juniperus, Pinus, Pseudotsuga, and Thuja).  More details are available here.


Please support the

World Reforestry Project

Goal: Plant 2.5 Billion Trees

by 2030.

Sponsored** by Aeroseed™

For more information click here.

**In support, we are donating licensing, production and distribution costs.


Opportunity: We are currently seeking partners for reforestry initiatives and grant proposals in geographic regions within Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, South and North America, as well as agricultural industry partners for licensing, production, and distribution agreements.

Limited genus, species, and quantities are available while we are establishing licensing, production, and distribution agreements. Please contact us with the requirements for your reforestry project (including total area, elevation, desired genus and species, density of dissemination, with an estimated quantity of seeds required) to see if we can support your project.


Aeroseed was developed by the Stable Isotope Foundation, a not-for-profit technology resrarch and development company dedicated to public benefit.


Please contact us for more information: Stable Isotope Foundation LLC, 1051C NE 6th Street #215, Grants Pass, OR 97526


AeroseedTM Brochure is available below.


Aeroseed Brochure - U.S. Patented technology
Aeroseed Brochure v8.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [944.7 KB]




Ahtiainen, Marketta, The effects of forest clear-cutting and scarification on the water quality of small brooks, The Dynamics and Use of Lacustrine Ecosystems, Volume 79 of the series Developments in Hydrobiology, pp 465-473 (1992).


Douglas, James E., The potential for water yield augmentation from forest management in the eastern United States, Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 19(3):351-358 (1983).


Montagnini, F., & Nair P.K.R., Carbon sequestration: An underexploited environmental benefit of agroforestry systems. In: Nair P.K.R., Rao M.R., Buck L.E. (eds) New Vistas in Agroforestry. Advances in Agroforestry, vol 1. Springer, Dordrecht (2004).


Paliwal, D. P., et al., Effect of sowing orientations on the germination of pine seeds, Current Science, 55:415-419 (1986).



AeroseedTM is a trademark of the Stable Isotope Foundation LLC.

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© 2016-2022 Stable Isotope Foundation LLC -- Not-for-profit technology research & development company dedicated to public benefit.